Settlement Information
The lawsuit claims that Rich’s Fresh Market violated an Illinois law called the Biometric Information Privacy Act (“BIPA”) by collecting workers’ biometrics on timeclocks in Illinois without obtaining their informed, written consent. Rich’s Fresh Market denies Plaintiff’s claims of wrongdoing and contends that it violated no laws. No court has decided who is right. The parties are instead entering into the Settlement to avoid the time and expense of continuing to fight in court. The Settlement is not an admission of wrongdoing by Rich’s Fresh Market.
Who Is a Class Member?
The Settlement Class includes all individuals who used a hand-scanning timeclock while working for Rich’s Fresh Market at any time from February 2, 2018 to August 1, 2022. Some people are excluded from the Settlement Class, for reasons including that they worked for the judge or lawyers involved.
Your Legal Rights and Options
Option and Deadline |
Your Legal Rights |
Do NothingNo Deadline |
You will receive a payment under the Settlement and give up your rights to sue Rich’s Fresh Market about the issues in this case. |
Exclude Yourselfby March 14, 2025 |
You will receive no payment, but you will retain any rights you currently have to sue Rich’s Fresh Market about the issues in this case. |
Object to the Settlementby March 14, 2025 |
If you do not exclude yourself, you can write to the Court explaining why you don’t like the Settlement. You will remain in the Class, receive a payment under the Settlement, and give up your rights to sue Rich’s Fresh Market about the issues in this case. |
Attend the Fairness Hearing10:30 a.m. CT on April 24, 2025 |
Ask to speak in Court about the fairness of the Settlement. |
Dates and Deadlines
Exclusion Deadline
March 14, 2025
Objection Deadline
March 14, 2025
Fairness Hearing
10:30 a.m. CT on April 24, 2025